Skin Sin #2 – Not Getting Enough Water!

I am SUPER guilty of this one! You hear that you need to drink enough water for all kinds of reasons, health, energy, digestion, and your SKIN! Get your 64 ounces a day! I forget all the time, or I’ll reach for a coke instead. I’m going to get better at that, promise!

But, to help your skin regain some of the moisture that is missing from dehydration, SeneGence Climate Control can help! Climate Control is a little miracle in a bottle. It contains Hyaluronic Acid, which is AMAZING for your skin and commonly used for burn victims. IT can be super beneficial for rosacea, eczema, acne, scars, stretch marks, dry skin, and sun burns if you got too much sun! I have seen amazing results for all kinds of uses!

Climate Control

Because moisture is pulled from your skin by dry air and your environment, it’s recommended to seal this baby in with the moisturizer of your choice, and follow with your perfect SeneGence skincare routine!

Excuse me while I go fill up a huge water bottle.. need to catch up on a couple days’ intake!

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